Foraging Sphere

More About Foraging SphereFORAGING SPHERE: This is an entry-level device for parrots that have limited or no foraging experience. A 6-inch stainless-steel skewer rod or kabob passes through a 3-inch clear, hanging sphere with open slots in the bottom half. The bell on the bottom of the sphere will attract the attention of a novice forager, which may be drawn to it as a toy.To fill the sphere, hold it in one hand and turn the rod counterclockwise, remove the top half, fill it with the food of your choice, and twist the rod back into place. Extruded pellets, dehydrated or fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, shelled nuts, and millet spray all are excellent fill items. You also might pass the stainless-steel kabob through a piece of fresh fruit or vegetable prior to reassembling to make a tempting lure. Post your opinions and suggestion.Share with friends and Family |